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Woody Biomass Bulletins

These bulletins describe various aspects of energy applications using woody biomass.  Michigan has a huge potential to displace a significant part of fossil fuel consumption with feedstocks that are environmentally-friendly, sustainable, renewable, and contribute to community stability and local products.

Energy Use In Michigan
E3085.  2 pages.  38 kb.   Addresses Michgian energy sources and consumption.

Environmental Risks of Wood Biomass
E3091.  2 pages.  117 kb.  Soil nutrients, sustainability, forest structure, and products.
What Is Woody Biomass?
E3086.  2 pages.  333 kb.  Describes woody biomass and the supply chain.
What is District Energy?
E3092.  2 pages.  258 kb.  Technologies to heat multiple buildings from a central heating plant.
Why Might Wood be a Good Energy Feedstock?
E3087.  2 pages.  287 kb.   Use of trees, renewability, and sustainability.
What is a CHP Plant?
E3093.  2 pages.  189 kb.  A combined heat & power plant creates both heat and electricity.  The combustion of any fuel source results mostly in heat.
Where Does Michigan's Wood Supply Grow?
E3088.  2 pages.  119 kb.  Forest inventory, volumes>
So, You Want to Build a Pellet Mill?
E3094.  2 pages.  111 kb.  Wood pellet technology has a huge potential to displace fossil fuel use.
Wood-based Energy Technologies
E3089.  2 pages.  277 kb.   Wood pellets, district energy systems, combined heat & power, and thermochemical & biochemical refining.
So, You Want to Establish an Energy Plantation?
E3095.  2 pages.  336 kb.  Shrub willows and poplar varieties have been Michigan-tested.  However, there's more to it than genetics.
Emerging Technologies in Wood Energy
E3090.  2 pages.  300 kb.   Biochemical and thermochemical processes and products.


TRAILER- This website was created by a consortium of forestry groups to help streamline information about forestry and coordinate forestry activities designed to benefit the family forest owner and various publics that make up our Michigan citizenry. This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State Extension Forester/Biologist. Direct comments to cookwi@msu.edu or 906-786-1575.

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